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Pay Fee Online

Bank Details:

Bank Name: Riyadh Bank
Account No: 3080707689940
IBAN No: SA1820000003080707689940
Account Title: Pakistan International School, Jubail

Fee Structure:

KG To Class X (4 years onward):

Admission Fee: SR.325 One Time
Tution Fee: SR. 342 Per Month


Admission Fee: SR. 425 One Time
Tution Fee: SR. 468 Per Month

Examination/Laboratory/Bus Fee:

Lab Fee IX & X: SR. 50 Per Annum
Lab Fee XI and XII: SR. 150 Per Annum
Exam Fee: SR. 100 Per Annum
LMS Charges: SR. 100 Per Annum
Bus Fee for Jubail: SR. 165 Per Month
Bus Fee For RC: SR. 225 Per Month
Company Sponsored Students: SR. 15,000 Per Annum

NOTE: All above fee exclusive from VAT.